"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

Services available virtually as well as in-person. We can coach you, wherever you are!
Firework Career Coaching Programme
Find your Ideal Career with the Firework Career Transition Programme
Outcome Coaching is a licensed provider of the Firework Career Transition Programme.
Who is it for?
- People at a career crossroads
- Career frustration and burn out
- Redundancy, retirement or return to workplace after a break
- Those seeking a more fulfilling career drawing on their strengths and passions
- Those wanting to start their own business but seek more clarity and focus
- Graduates seeking career direction
- Organisations facing restructuring or downsizing who want to support displaced employees
The Programme can also be used as an add-on to existing programmes such as:
- Early retirement programmes
- Outplacement programmes
- College career guidance programmes
- Start your own business programmes
What is the Firework Programme?
- Firework Career Coaching Programme is a unique, structured career transition programme designed to help clients at a career crossroads to discover the work that will truly fulfill them.
- Research consistently reveals that those who are motivated and satisfied at work are in careers which reflect their true nature; their passions; their values and which draw upon their natural strengths
- All coaching begins with the discovery of these, hence there is a natural fit between coaching and career evaluation.
- Can be used by people who wish to develop themselves within their existing employment or by those who are seeking to explore new possibilities and/or seek a new direction.
- Programme aims to take clients on a journey from uncertainty about their present career through to having a clear vision of a career that is absolutely right for them, and an action plan of how to create it.
- Has been developed using research into best practice in career evaluation alongside coaching methodology.
- Unique in that it provides a structured framework for the coaching in the form of interesting and engaging exercises, guided meditations which are designed to bring out an individual’s creativity and resourcefulness.
- Recommended delivery is in twelve, thirty minute one to one coaching sessions or eight longer ones.
- We tailor to your individual needs, budget and time-frame.
- Sessions can be conducted either by telephone or face to face, individually or in the form of group workshops.
Programme structure
Phase One – Explore
This is designed to explore who you are in all spheres of life, not just at work. This is a vital foundation because understanding your passions and values enables us to evaluate your career options throughout the programme with these powerful motivators in mind
The areas covered in Explore include:
- Your Values
- Your Achievements
- Your Positive Attributes
- Your Strengths
- Your Passion
- Your Interests
- What makes You Happy and Fulfilled
Once we have this information about you and your life we then look at your work. We work together to identify:
- Your Favourite Job Skills
- Your Motivators
- Your Professional Strengths
- Your Work Achievements to date
- Your Preferred Work Environment
- Your Preferred Type of Organisation
- Your Ideal Working Day
- What would Make You Motivated and Satisfied at Work
Phase Two – Dream
This is a very creative phase where we begin to generate a number of different career possibilities. Client is encouraged to think outside the box, with no constraints. It is very energetic and inspiring stage as we consider all possibilities! We work toward creating a shortlist of 1-3 strong, grounded possibilities to take through to the final stage
Phase Three – Discover
Here we use a creative process again to turn your top possibility into a practical action plan and strategise to make it happen. You will reach the end of the programme with an increased sense of who you are; what you want and with a considered plan to get you there!
Contact us today for further information.

Personal /Life Coaching

Stress Management

Career Coaching